2024 Shenten Dargye Ling Calendar
This programme is subject to change without notice. Please check this website regularly for details and any changes for the seminar you are interested in.

Sundays from 14 January to 10 March (9 sessions) at 6pm
Dzogchen Ngondro Teaching Series
Khenpo Gelek
Online (Zoom)
Registration for online participation:

September 12 - 18
Ceremony and initiation of the Medicine Buddha
Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, Khenpo Gelek, Shenten lamas
September 6-11: Sand Mandala preparation + preparation of tormas and other things
September 12: start ceremony: 6 days Medicine Buddha practice
September 18 (7th day, full moon): initiation
Onsite (Shenten)

Dates in November and December 2024 and January 2025
Shenten Academy
Tulku Pönse Yigme Tenzin,
The Shenten Academy offers a learning programme centred on Yungdrung Bön and open to other subjects such as language and traditional Tibetan healing. It aims to cultivate knowledge and wisdom for spiritual liberation. Respect for tradition, authenticity and the well-being of all are at the heart of its project.
Online by zoom

16 November and 8 December 2024
Shenten Academy
Khenpo Gelek
In Shenten Dargye Ling's Shedra 2023-2024, the central text is Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen's "Self-commentary on the Magic Lamp of Stages and Paths", which deals with Madhyamaka philosophy. We have reached the third path, that of vision. New participants are welcome to join us at this stage.
Online by zoom

Wednesdays at 5.30pm
Shenten Academy
Prof. Charles Ramble
During the Shedra, Prof. Charles Ramble taught Tibetan with two courses: one for beginners and an advanced reading course. He is also offering a reading course during the year at Shenten Academy. This course will include the reading of a text in Tibetan, as well as the study of vocabulary and grammar. The text will be announced soon.
Online by zoom