Dzogchen Ngondro Teaching Series
Khenpo Gelek Jinpa
Every sundays: 14 January to 10 March (9 sessions)
Online Participation:
Registration for online participation:
Dzogchen Ngondro Teaching Series
After registration, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Additionally, a reminder email is sent out every day before the teaching starts with the link to access the Zoom webinar. For questions concerning the online retreat it is always: contact@shenten.org
Contribution for the teachings online:
The participation fee is 135 € For all teaching sessions.
Payment will be made via PayPal when you register with Zoom.
For those who do not wish or cannot pay via PayPal, we recommend using a friend's account. In any case, please provide your own email address when registering to receive the link for the event.
If you do not have the option to use PayPal, please contact us at contact@shenten.org. We will send you the details to pay by bank transfer and register you manually after your payment.
If you are currently having financial difficulties but would still like to attend the seminar, please write to contact@shenten.org
Recordings and translations:
The teachings will be recorded. We will provide the link to download the recordings as soon as they are available.
The course language is English with a translation into several languages. We plan to offer the following translation channels: French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Spanish.
We are looking forward to seeing you online and practicing with you.