Lama Sangyé Mönlam
Lama Sangye Monlam was a resident lama at Shenten before moving to Austria to become the head lama of the Austrian Bon center, Yeshe Sal Ling. Western students like to gather around him and enjoy his compassionate presence, simple manner, and yogic style of behaviour. Lama Sangye is a specialist in the tantric teachings, rituals, and ceremonies of Ma Gyud, the Mother Tantra. In 2020 he started a cycle of the teachings dedicated to the Mother Tantra for Shenten.

Lama Sangye Mönlam (Shengyi Namjorpa Ghen Sangye Mönlam) was born in Khyungpo, Tibet in 1955.
He came from Tibet to India in 1983, at the age of 29. In the same year he became monk in Menri Monastery, Dolanji, taking his vows from the 33rd Menri Tridzin Lungtog Tenpa’i Nyima Rinpoche and from Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
He began to study and practice Ngondro under the guidance of Yongdzin Rinpoche. He has been attending the meditation class to study and practice meditation for three years. Among the many teachings he received during that time are Atri Ka lung gyatso, which he received from Tsundru Rinpoche, and Kunzang Nying thig (Heart Drops of Dharmakaya) and Dzogchen Khu sum rang shar, which he received from Yongdzin Rinpoche.
In 1987 he was sent to the Bonpo refugee settlement of Dorpaten in Western Nepal to be in charge of the monastery located there. In 1989, he joined Triten Norbutse Monastery in Kathmandu where he took the 250 Gelong – vows to become a fully ordained monk and he worked as Nyerpa for 7 years, taking care of everything from the kitchen to finances. He received many teachings and transmissions from Yongdzin Rinpoche and was empowered to many practices, to mention only one here: Zhang zhung nyen gyud Ka gyud kor zhi.
He successfully completed his 4-year meditation course and continuously stayed in Djinpa nam zhi (The Four Great Offerings) meditation retreat for four years.
In 2001, he guided the Tummo retreat with Geshe Gelek and Sherab Legden in Normandie, France.
On Rinpoche’s advice he came to Shenten Dargye Ling in 2007, where he stays and wholeheartedly welcomes all visitors and retreatants. He teaches in Shenten Dargye Ling and Paris.
In 2011, he has guided the 10-week Tsa Lung retreat that is the third year's program of Shenten Dargye Ling's gomdra.