Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche
July 27 - August 1
Dear friends, the registrations for our traditional summer teachings are open now!
As we already announced, the summer retreat, which is usually three weeks long, will be reduced to two weeks and take place ONLINE. As for the subject, we are thrilled about the opportunity to receive teachings explaining one of the most profound Dzogchen texts in Yungdrung Bon Tradition, Six Lamps from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud.
The summer retreat is usually followed by another six-day long Dzogchen practice retreat at the very end of August. This year, as the previous years, the retreat will be dedicated to the teachings and practice of the experiential instructions of the lineage holders of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud. It will be streamed ONLINE but if the situation allows, we will try to organize it on-site as well (to be confirmed).
Both retreats will keep the format which we have used last and this year: two hours of teaching per day by Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche combined with a morning and evening meditation guided by Shenten Lamas.
Schedule of the retreat:
(referring to Paris time)
08.00 - 09.30: Sangchöd and meditation with Shenten's lamas
15.00 - 17.00: Teachings by Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche
20.00 - 21.15: Meditation followed by chöd practice with Shenten's lama
Translation will be available in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Hungarian and Russian languages.
To register
for the retreat, click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EjzN_98ESHGKb8UdVLHZIg
Contribution for the teachings:
The participation's fee (offering) is 60 EUR. We think that such a contribution is affordable for most of the people and necessary to appreciate the teachings, maintain Shenten and repay our masters' generosity. However, we are aware that there might be some sincere and dedicated practitioners with financial difficulties who wish to participate and cannot afford it. If this is your case, please write to us at contact@shenten.org - and put the name of the retreat in the subject.
If you cannot participate in the LIVE sessions, you can watch the recordings (in English) later. They will be available as soon as possible, often the same day in the evening, or in the following days.
How to pay:
ZOOM does not allow any other payment option than through PayPal. We rely on the automatic registration process because other ways require much more work. To those who do not want to or cannot pay through PayPal for any reason (but it is very easy to create an account there) we suggest you use a friend’s account (but please put your own email address, to get the link for streaming). In some countries, Paypal does offer a simple bank card payment without creating an account (you will be given the option when you proceed to the payment).
If you cannot follow the suggested options and still want to take part, we will register you manually upon your payment through the bank transfer. Please, write to contact@shenten.org and we will guide you.
Dear friends, we look forward to meeting you soon!
Shenten's team