Prayer requests
Beyond the daily practices, the resident monks of Shenten Dargye Ling offer various religious services to the sangha members, maintaining on the same occasion a long preserved Tibetan tradition. Therefore, the monks can, on request, respond to requests for pujas, prayers and ceremonies.
Traditionally, these rituals are performed for the deceased, for the good health of the living, for blessings in times of trouble, to remove obstacles or fulfill wishes, for ritual purification or for other personal reasons, including events in individual or family life.
At Shenten Dargye Ling, it is therefore possible to request specific prayer ceremonies or ancient rituals for one or more persons, whether living or deceased.
Also, these rituals may be requested in a general way. Such an act of compassion is an excellent way to accumulate merits in a significant way.
According to tradition, a person, family or community sponsors the performance of these rituals. Some pujas involve expenses, including food, materials used for the ceremonies, as well as an offering for the monks performing them. It then seems natural that these expenses are covered by the person(s) making the request. It is also a form of commitment and involvement in the performance of these rituals.
Among all the practices, the most requested is the Bardo Monlam, or prayer of the bardos, for the deceased. This prayer requires 108 candles, and is performed for a minimum of three days.
You will find below a non-exhaustive list of the main pujas :
Ritual of prosperity
Ritual of long life
Soul recuperation practice and long life ritual
Ganapuja offering for Sherab Djamma
Quadruple Mandala Offering Ritual for Sherab Djamma
Ganapuja offering for Sidpai Gyalmo / Yeshe Walmo
Red Garuda Ganapuja
Ritual for the removal of negative energies and healing
Sherab Djamma’s Ritual of Protection and Removal of Obstacles
If you wish to request us to perform a ritual, please do not hesitate to ask us via the contact form.