Khenpo Gelek Jinpa
July 3 – 12, 2021
Dear Sangha friends, two years ago, in 2019, Shenten Dargye Ling started a five-year course in Bon philosophy for the first time. The content and aim of this course is to study, under the guidance of an experienced master, selected philosophical topics based on essential texts, some of which are also part of the thirteen year long study program of the Dialectical school at Triten Norbutse and Menri monastery in Kathmandu and Dolanji. This course is a special opportunity to learn more about the philosophical system of Bon, to deepen our knowledge of basic concepts and ideas, and to challenge our knowledge in the debate. The aim of the course is not only to gain a general (e.g. historical, cosmological, and systematic) background of Bon teachings but also an insight into the rich philosophical sutra tradition and the art of debating based on authentic texts. In addition, the students will be given the opportunity to acquire first knowledge of the Tibetan language or to deepen already existing knowledge.
The course is especially recommended for those who intend to be translators, but it can be helpful also for any Tantra or Dzogchen practitioners who wish to really understand the differences between base, path and fruit of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen. In this way, this course can help us to truly adopt and put into practice the authentic view of the vehicle practiced and to distinguish it from other views, which can ultimately help to strengthen and deepen devotion and trust in one's own path.
What was done in the past two years:
The first year was dedicated to the hagiographies of Tonpa Shenrab and the Nine Vehicles, as well as a central Bon Madhyamaka text written by Nyamed Sherab Gyaltsen called "The Magic Lamp of Steps and Paths" or (abbreviated in Tibetan) “Salam”. In the second year, which could only take place online and for only one week instead of three, we focused on repeating some key points from the “Salam”.
Since the second year could only take place online, lasted only one week instead of three, and was a review of some important points from the texts we had studied the year before, this year we are officially in the third session, but in the second year of the five-year course. So this year we will continue with the "Salam" in a 10-day online course from July 3-12.
The interactive course is now open for newcomers:
The course is designed to be attended as a whole from the beginning. However, together with our teacher and in view of the special circumstances, we have decided to open this year to newcomers. Nevertheless, in order to maintain its interactive format, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50.
Prerequisites for those who want to attend:
There are two requirements for those who would like to join this course:
First, they should get an insight into what has been done in the last two years. The relevant material (recordings and texts) will be made available for self-study in the download.
Second, the newcomers should bring the serious intention to complete the course the following years.
Our teacher in bon philosophy will be Khenpo Gelek Jinpa. Our teacher in Tibetan language will be Prof. Charles Ramble.
Schedule of the retreat: (referring to Paris time)
08.00 - 09.30: Sangchöd and meditation with Shenten's lamas
13:30 - 14:30: Tibetan lesson by Prof. Ramble (Level A: absolute beginners)
15:00 – 17:00: Teachings by Khenpo Gelek Jinpa
17:30 – 18:30: Tibetan lesson by Prof. Ramble (Level B: beginners with some basic knowledge)
20.00 - 21.15: Meditation followed by chöd practice with Shenten's lama
Course language is english. There will be no translation.
How to register:
If you want to register for the retreat, please click on this link:
How to get access to the teaching materials:
After your registration please send an email to: togyal@yahoo.com
Then we can give you access to the material of the two last years. Please tell us also if you want to attend the Tibetan classes and which level you are.
Contribution for the teachings:
The participation's fee (offering) is 100 EUR (10 Euro per day). We think that such a contribution is affordable for most of the people and necessary to appreciate the teachings, maintain Shenten and repay our masters' generosity. However, we are aware that there might be some sincere and dedicated practitioners with financial difficulties who wish to participate and cannot afford it. If this is your case, please write to us at contact@shenten.organd put “Shedra 2021” in the subject.
How to pay:
ZOOM does not allow any other payment option than through PayPal. We rely on the automatic registration process because other ways require much more work. To those who do not want to or cannot pay through PayPal for any reason (but it is very easy to create an account there) we suggest you use a friend’s account (but please put your own email address, to get the link for streaming). In some countries, Paypal does offer a simple bank card payment without creating an account (you will be given the option when you proceed to the payment). If you cannot follow the suggested options and still want to take part, we will register you manually upon your payment through the bank transfer. Please, write to contact@shenten.org and we will guide you.
Dear friends, we look forward to meeting you soon!
Wolfgang and Sara for Shenten